My sweet daughter Brinley is 18 months old and absolutely loves to read. Here are her favorite books that she loves reading with me.

Goodnight Princess - Great length for a bedtime book. I love the illustrations and the rhythm and rhyme of the book.
Poke a Dot Who's in the Ocean - My kids LOVE these books. Over and over and over again. They love poking the dot bubbles as I read the book to them. This book is great for a wide range of ages.
Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear? - Recently my daughter has really enjoyed this spin on the classic Brown Bear Brown Bear book. It's one that easily gets overshadowed.
Don't Forget to Remember - I love this one so much and I love how much Brin enjoys it. The illustrations are beautiful and the story is poetic. I'd love to have the words framed as a reminded to my children what God promises and tells us who we are to Him.
My Friends - Sweet simple story about friendship and all that a little girl learns from her different friends. Brinley loves saying all the different animal names on each page.
Little Tiger Picks Up - Short and simple this book shows how little tiger cleans up his mess after playing with his toys. My kids love the books in this series and I love that they all teach little lessons in easy to understand ways.
Alphablock - Every page is cut as a letter with peek-through pages to what the letter stands for (B is for Balloons.) Fun and creative book to learn letters and their associated words. My kids love guessing the word for each page.
Bedtime for Peppa - My daughter loves reading Peppa books. It's surprising to me since its mostly dialogue but for some reason she absolutely loves them.
Counting with a Ladybug - Fun interactive book where you can trace the path as you count the different insects and animals with the ladybug.
Worm Weather - Perfect book for springtime. Cute story of kids exploring the outside jumping in puddles, experiencing the rain, finding worms and getting excited for springtime.
Go, Go, Pirate Boat - Such a cute book that is read to the tune of "Row Row Row Your Boat." I wish there were more of these books! They're fun, creative and my kids love to hear the familiar melody to new words.
Baby Loves Spring - Karen Katz books are such a hit in our household. We have one for every holiday and season.