I have really enjoyed exploring toys that offer opportunities for imaginative and creative play. It has been so sweet to see the kids' imaginations soar as they pretend the animals need rescued or pretend to cook pizza for mommy in the kitchen. It is always entertaining to see what they come up with.

Melissa and Doug Broom Set - My kids love to "help" me clean now that they have their own cleaning tools. When they see me take out the vacuum or broom, they rush to go find their broom and mop.
Melissa and Doug Cutting Food - Whether it is used in the play kitchen or just used on its own, this food set is great for toddlers and preschoolers. My 3 year old loves chopping up the food and becomes so focused as he cuts each one.
Fisher Price Little People Farm - My son and daughter both play with this all the time. My son got this for his first birthday and both of them still use it (3 years old and 21 months old). A fun spin on a dollhouse type toy that leaves much opportunity for open play.
Safari Animal Figurines - So many uses with these animals! Little ones can line them up, build animal fences/homes, use in sensory bins, etc.
Learning Resources Farmer's Market Set - Variety of uses with this learning toy. It is great for sorting the colors into each basket. You can teach about all the different types of fruits and vegetables, pretend play farmer's market, pretend play with the food in the kitchen, shop with the food at the pretend grocery store, etc.
KidKraft Play Kitchen - I would argue that a play kitchen is a must have! There are so many out there but we decided to go with this farmhouse looking kitchen. Selfishly, yes, I do love the look of it. It isn't an eyesore. More importantly my kids love all the different things they can do with it. Little ice cubes come out of the drink dispenser, the stove makes a sound and lights up when you turn the burner on and the sink makes noise like water coming out. Also, I love that there are a lot of compartments to store the play food and kitchen tools.
Battat Cash Register - Love this in addition to all the play food. My kids love to play "grocery store" and pretend to purchase food.
LeapFrog Ice Cream Cart - This has been the latest hit in our household. Both my kids play with this endlessly together. It is such a cute little cart that has the option of being interactive although my kids enjoy just making their own ice cream cones for each other.
Pop up Fire Truck - The kids love pretending they are firefighters as they run around in this firetruck. They also love to hide in it, bring books and toys in it, and just sit inside with each other like it's a little fort.