Often times when you find out a friend is pregnant, it is easy to go straight to buying something special for the baby (understandable when those teeny tiny baby clothes are so adorable!). However, I wanted to create a list of gifts for the MAMA that show you are celebrating and supporting her while carrying this beautiful gift of life!

Morning Sickness Ginger Peach Tea - I will start off by honestly saying yes these morning sickness remedies can be hit or miss. BUT I think it is worth a try because everyone is different in what works for nausea.
Praying Scripture for Motherhood journal- This journal provides a passage of scripture to pray through, a short commentary, a guided prayer, questions to guide you through a prayer and then space to write your own prayer. All of this in relation to motherhood. I absolutely love this journal and have several on hand for gifts to friends.
Mama necklace - My husband gave this to me one Mother's Day and it became my favorite necklace. It is a simple yet beautiful dainty necklace.
Waiting in Wonder journal - This journal was a gift from my sister when I was pregnant with my first and I enjoyed it so much I bought one when I was pregnant with my second. It goes through each week of your pregnancy with a short little devotion each day along with a few questions to respond to. At the start of each week the book provides a little snapshot of what is happening developmentally with your baby, along with some prayers and praise and a memory verse. Love that this journal could make a sweet keepsake for your child.
Bible Promises for Moms - This pocket-sized book is great to keep on your nightstand (where mine currently is), in your purse, or on your coffee table. It provides hundreds of bible verses that are arranged topically. Some of the topics include belonging, endurance, emotions, burnout, grief, hospitality, and much more, all related to motherhood.
Tummy Drops - Another hopeful morning sickness remedy that is worth trying. From experience- when a mama is so very nauseous, she will trying ANYTHING for relief. I found these little candies to be a nice distraction and they did occasionally ease my stomach. Ginger is the key!
"Friends" coffee mug - Such a cute and creative mug that would be a great personalized gift for any Friends fan.
Baby's First Year book - I have this book for both of my kiddos. This one I got for my son and I got a different themed one for my girl. This has been my favorite book I have found to record all the wonderful things about their first year. The designs are adorable and I love the content. There are pages for all of baby's firsts, a page for each month of their first year and then space to write what baby likes and doesn't like, and much more.
Hymns For a Mother's Heart devotional - Small yet fruitful, this book goes through different hymns along with a devotion and prayers at the end to pray for yourself and your children. There is space to reflect and write your own prayers. It is a sweet little book that points to Christ and provides rest and hope throughout the season of motherhood.