Whether you have a girlfriend that needs some encouragement, a birthday to celebrate or in need of a present for a holiday, here are my favorite things that would make a great gift for your sister in Christ.

Write the Word Journal - I absolutely love this journal. Copying scripture has been such a simple yet powerful addition to my quiet time. It forces you to slow down, focus on each word as you write and and really meditate on the verse. I have copied down verses that I have read a million times but as I write and take it in word by word, I discover something new. This journal starts with a space to write what you are grateful for (always such a wonderful way to start your day!) and gives you one or a few verses to copy. On the next page there is space to write what is on your heart and your word for the day. I like to use that space for prayer, praise to the Lord in relation to the verses just copied, or to write what God is revealing to me through His Word.
Fruit of the Spirit Mug - Such a beautiful mug that would make a sweet gift. It is the simple things that bring joy! More than being aesthetically pleasing, I love what this mug represents. It is a much needed reminder, especially in the morning, of how we can live out our day being more like Jesus. As you're sipping your coffee, ask yourself how can I be more gentle today or kind or loving? Your day will be fruitful.
Daughters of Grace Bible Study - This bible study covers 28 women in the Bible. I am a huge fan of The Daily Grace Co.'s bible studies and journals and this one does not disappoint. This bible study is a beautiful reminder of God's grace and how he uses the most unexpected people to further His Kingdom. This would make such a wonderful gift for a girl friend that is looking to jump into a new study.
Redefined "Mirror" Verse Cards - I love what The Well Watered Women team writes about these cards: "When we look in the mirror, we can either choose to be negative about what we see, or to remember our identity in Christ." How well said. These cards can be placed on your mirror, in your car, on your fridge, etc. They serve as a beautiful visual reminder of where our true identity lies.
Prayer Journal - A prayer journal is always helpful to keep yourself accountable, for remembering God's answers to your prayers and for seeing His faithfulness time and time again. It also helps focus your thoughts and intentionality with prayer. Sitting down and writing out a prayer always centers my heart.
Gracelaced by Ruth Chou Simons - This book contains breathtaking artwork that I never get sick of looking through. It makes such a lovely coffee table book although it is much more than that. It is a wonderful devotional that anchors God's truth through the seasons of our lives. The length of each devotional is on the shorter side but still encouraging and thought provoking.
31 Days of Prayer Cards- Each of these cards has scripture to pray as well as different prompts to guide your prayer. It is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed for all you want to pray for or on the opposite spectrum, to not know exactly what to pray for. These cards serve as such a great reminder and are perfect for creating intentional dedicated time to pray for specific things such as your neighbors, persecuted Christians, unbelievers, etc.
Names of God Cards - Another beautifully designed gift, these cards take you through each book of the Bible revealing the character and truth of who God is. Each card has a devotion on the back that points to Jesus. These cards would make great bookmarks in your Bible or used in addition to your time in the Word.